Monday, August 30, 2010


I like to cklet slilebans.Thea are cool.I goot the

ida from my frind kenndy.I have 59 slebans.I have cats and dog.

comne 15

I have azilun cats.booyoo.

comne 14

a girl is a girl a boy is a dog.

comne 13

an a is a z.

comne 12

a bat is a cat.

comne 11

you are nats I amn ats we are an egg.

comne 11

you are nats I amn ats we are an egg.

comne 10

123 4556 789 you are nats.

comne 9

A dog stickr is a hog.

comne 8

xyz abc you are a nat

Sunday, August 29, 2010


wi did tha chach the oines ?

comne 7

If a bllon pops yuor popcorn

comne 6

Im fling on a v.

comne 5

or my names not plrp

comne 4

go awtsid and skrem yuor hed off.

comne 3

do a krtwil and yl git wils.

comne 2

nevr do a krtwil or yl go swrles


nevr fed a cat a cupcak or it will go spreckls.

Friday, August 27, 2010

me at school

for the frst time I climd the star at reses felt cool.Because it was the frst time.I climd with my frind was red.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

cool girls

I like to calosor

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ter are 4 people in the band. we will have kitty masks. we will be seing baby ma ther dlila sckatrboy so wut im folin to pesis blad on the dansbod stop telafooning me 99 blechrs we are doing a play in the band.

slid of 1000 steps

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

cool culroos

I have a dsi.wut dus a dsi do.

I like to mack lins and file thim with culroos.

culroos 2

my frind kenndey looks at my blog